Fine Art / Installation / Mixed-Media


The Nest / 2019 - 2020 / PVC Pipes, Wire, Deer Netting, Spray Paint, Lights, Monotype Printed Pillows, Blanket, Cushion

A collaboration with Hannah Pomante and Melissa Jones, The Bird Nest Installation is a moveable human-sized bird nest that offers the children of Spokane a safe hideaway place supportive of their learning and creative endeavors. It is an eco-friendly installation that was transported throughout the Spokane area, finding temporary homes in elementary classrooms and libraries. For the time that it resided at each location, the children could read, play, create, or simply get away. No matter its use, it was a place for them. Thought its time traveling around Spokane was cut short due to COVID-19, it is now permanently installed at Lake Spokane Elementary School where the students have claimed it as their own, using it as a place of refuge. The project was made possible due to funding from Spokane Arts2019 Round 2 SAGA Grant